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Flower Bach Remedies Consultation


The Bach flower essences were developed in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, a physician, and homeopath who believed that the key to good health was emotional harmony. By 1936 he identified 38 flower essences, each one derived from a different wildflower, plant, or tree, and each corresponding to a specific emotion. He opined “Treat the cause not the effect”.

Dr. Bach categorized the essences into seven groupings, to help people choose the right essence for them.

  • Face your fears.
  • Know your own mind.
  • Live the day.
  • Reach out to others.
  • Stand your ground.
  • Find joy and hope.
  • Live and let live.

The system is designed so that the essences can be tailored to meet each person’s individual needs so that they can be taken individually or in combination.

Our Bach flower remedies provide a personalized and natural approach to emotional well-being and balance. Our personalized flower remedies are individually tailored to meet your specific emotional needs and handcrafted based on the remedies you select after consultation with our Certified Bach flower therapist.