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Test & Psychological Assessments

Psychological tests are used in all fields to assess abilities, character, and behavior. The test can be used as part of the selection process for job interviews, assessing school children, and assessing those with mental health issues.

A diagnostic or psychopathological evaluation includes –

  • Projective tests such as Rorschach and thematic perception tests
  • IQ test
  • Personality assessments
  • Assessment of children and behavioral problems such as ADHD, autism Spectrum disorder, specific learning disabilities, and behavioral issues.
  • Tests of neuropsychological function (executive function, attention, memory, reasoning, etc.)
  • Brief symptom measures
  • Psychometric Assessment

Take a Free Self Discovery Test

Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being lowest, 10 being highest

1. What score out of 10 would you give for how SATISFIED you are with your Life overall?
2. If you were to give a score out of 10 for how much FUN you’re having in life?
3. If you were to give a SCORE out of 10 for how HAPPY you are in your current CAREER:
4. If you were to give a SCORE out of 10 for how overwhelmed, BUSY or Stressed you usually feel: Note:. (1 is the high stress and 10 being no stress)
5. Deep down, I like myself:
6. What is your FAVOURITE thing in life at the moment? (like best)
7. Thinking about coaching ,I would look for (tick multiple Option)
For More Meaning
Purpose in Life. For More Fulfillment
Happiness in Life.To Achieve My Goals Faster
More Easily.To understand my true potential.To review my business plan and goal setting.
8. I am ready to take ACTION , and make changes in my environment, habits and life
Yes No
9. What could be IMPROVED in your life at the moment?
10. Would you like a free consultation with a life coach?
Yes No Maybe