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Parenting Styles that influence the Mental development in children

Treatment and Management of Stress

Parenting Styles that effects the Mental development in children

When it comes to parenting there is no fixed handbook or rule book given to parents on how to be a good parent and raise children. Every parent approach parenting differently depending on several factors like their own upbringing, cultural background, socioeconomic status, habits etc. A child’s morals, principles, and conduct are generally influenced by all these factors and their bond with their parents. Different researchers have grouped parenting styles into three, four, five, or more psychological constructs.

Given below is a brief description of the different parenting styles

Authoritative style

Parents are both warm and careful to set clear limits & restrictions regarding certain kinds of behavior but also allow freedom. Parents develop a close, nurturing relationship with their children. Parents communicate clear guidelines of their expectations and explain their reasons for disciplinary actions. Disciplining is more based on positive reinforcements rather than punishment. Children are given the freedom to express freely and openly about their goals and expectations There is open communication on all matters between the parents and children. This parenting style leads to the healthy relationships but involves effort and patience on both sides. Children of authoritative parents are confident, responsible, and independent. They learn to manage their negative emotions more effectively..


High on control, low on warmth In this parenting style parent establishes strict rules that the child obeys. There is no room for negotiations from the child, and the rules are not explained. There is only on form of discipling and that is punishment. Authoritarian parents are normally less nurturing and have high expectations with limited flexibility. Children are conflicted, irritable & moody In Adolescence these children had more negative outcomes, boys – poor social skills In authoritative parenting parents use physical form of punishment and children end up having more aggressive behaviour and they do not know how to regulate their emotions especially anger. They may grow up shunning authority They end up to be poor decision makers with poor self-esteem.

Permissive indulgent style

High on warmth, low on discipline and control. This parenting style the parents have minimal or no expectations from their children. They are more friends than parents with their children They tend to be warm and nurturing and don’t impose any discipline or restrictions on the child. Although there will be open communications between the parents and the children, the children are allowed to make their own independent decisions. Children have a lot of freedom and they have no fixed routine to follow. This results in children having a lack of routine or moderation and can develop bad habits and may effect their education. Children of permissive parenting usually have some self-esteem and decent social skills. Children grow to be impulsive and display aggressive behaviour Overly indulgent child are characters spoilt, selfish, inconsiderate & demanding In a study it was seen that much permissiveness and less discipline at home correlated with antisocial & aggressive behaviour in adolescent

Uninvolved style

Neglectful less on warmth less on control In this parenting style children re given absolute freedom and the parents are mostly uninvolved in the upbringing of the child. The parents provide for the basic needs of the child and there is no form of disciplining or communication between the parents and the children. Parents have very less or no expectations from their children Children grow to before resilient and may even be more self-sufficient than children with other types of upbringings Disruptions in attachment during childhood leads to moodiness, low self-esteem & conduct, problems later. Problems may also arise in they trying to manage their emotions, develop and maintain social relationships and most often also results in poor academic performance. We at Minhance wellness work with parents to help them understand their parenting styles and how their method of parenting is instrumental in the overall development of the personality of the children . We also provide the necessary psycho education and behavioral modification tools to enable the parents cope with the parenting challenges with their children.

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